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Inspiration Studios

The Inspiration Studios are run by CSUSM's Media Production team. Together MPS & the iStudios also help run any livestream or large scale zoom events thrown by the campus. So whether you're looking to record content for your department or simply looking to explore whats available to your class or projects, come check out our facilities! The iStudios (Inspiration Studios) are home to 6 different studio spaces. All geared towards creating and recording media content. The iStudios also recentlly opened it's doors to VR and is also one of the leading campus groups in 3D Printing and Laser cutting. If you're interested in getting a tour of the spaces or would like to sit down for a consult with our team dont hesitate to email us at

photo studio

Hours of operation are 8:30AM-4:30PM, Monday-Friday

Please visit the pages below to find out more about the inspiring capabilities of each space:

Each page has a public calendar showing the availability of each space and a form for requesting its use. We look forward to working with you.