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CSUSM at Temecula

CSUSM at Temecula


CSUSM at Temecula

CSUSM at Temecula is dedicated to expanding access to higher education in the Southwest Riverside County. With the help of the local municipalities, we have been able to graduate over 1,000 alumni from our programs at our campus. We offer a bachelor's degree in business administration and an accelerated bachelor's degree in nursing. These programs have been developed to support the local economy and regional needs.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for the CSUSM at Temecula community: We look forward to welcoming students back to the Temecula campus! We recognize you may have questions about the upcoming semester and invite you to visit our CSUSM as ONE website for more details.

CSUSM at Temecula Logo
Degree Time

Guaranteed 2-year time to graduation for undergraduate degrees

Graduation Rate

97% graduation rate for degree students

Core Values

CSUSM at Temecula has at its core the same values that guide Cal State San Marcos:

  • Intellectual Engagement: learning, teaching, discovery and application of knowledge
  • Community: shared commitments to service, teamwork and partnership
  • Integrity: respect, honesty, trust, fairness, academic freedom and responsibility
  • Innovation: creativity, openness to change, flexibility, responsiveness and future focus
  • Inclusiveness: individual and cultural diversity, and multiple perspectives

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